We are looking for new homeowners to serve on Grove Place Homeowners Association Committee. Below is a listing of the current committees. If you are willing to serve, please contact us at admin@groveplace.info. Many of the current committee members have been serving for years and we are looking for new members with new ideas.
Listing of Committees:
Architectural Committee - ensures that homeowners are in compliance with any structural changes.
Landscape Committee - ensures that homeowners are in compliance with the subdivision's bylaws as it relates to landscaping.
Pool Committee - manages the pool including lockup and opening; ensures that water quality is safe, etc.
Social Committee - plans social events for the community. THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY OPEN.
Suggestion Box:
If you have any suggestions towards improving the Grove Place community, please send them to admin@groveplace.info.
Email Information:
If you have not already done so, please send us your name, email address, and street address in order to receive information such as newsletters, latest happenings in our community, etc.
Send your information to admin@groveplace.info.
We will not be forwarding your information to third parties. This request is strictly for us to communicate with you.